Site policy manuscript
Before using
This website is managed and operated by Amano Enzyme Inc.(“Amano”). Before using this website, please read the following terms and conditions carefully. In addition, once you start using this website, we will assume that you have accepted the following the terms of use(“Terms of Use”).
Unless otherwise expressed, the entire contents of this website are owned and managed by Amano. You may not duplicate any contents without our permission.
2.Trademarks, etc.
The trademarks, trade names, etc. displayed on this website are legally protected. Infringing acts such as unauthorized use of these are prohibited.
3.Contents of the website
While Amano is careful to post accurate information on this website, we do not guarantee accuracy, usefulness, completeness of the contents and safety such as no risk of virus infection.
The contents posted on this website provides general information and does not provide information regarding specific applications or support for regulations.
In addition, we are not responsible for any damage caused by using or not using this website and any information contained in this website.
The contents posted on this website provides general information and does not provide information regarding specific applications or support for regulations.
In addition, we are not responsible for any damage caused by using or not using this website and any information contained in this website.
4.Change of contents and closure of website
Amano may change the contents of this website or close the website without prior notice.
If you wish to link to this website, please be sure to contact us ( in advance to obtain our consent. In that case, we will refer to the page to be linked, and we may decline linking depending on the contents of such page.
Amano Is not responsible for the third party websites linked from or linked to this website.
Amano Is not responsible for the third party websites linked from or linked to this website.
These Terms of Use shall be, in all respects, governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
The Nagoya District Court will have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over all disputes related to these Terms of Use.
The Nagoya District Court will have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over all disputes related to these Terms of Use.
Handling of personal information
(Our website has a page where you can send your request for samples or inquiry on our products.) To ensure that we provide samples or reply to your inquiry, we ask you to provide personal information such as your name, address, email address, and telephone number.
1.Purpose of use of personal information
We will manage personal information provided by you appropriately to prevent unauthorized use according to our regulations, and will use to reply for requests for samples, and inquiries about products, other questions, opinions, requests, requests for documents.
2.Provision and disclosure of personal information
We will not provide or disclose personal information provided by you to third parties without your consent.
However, this does not apply to any of the following.
• When according to the provisions of laws and regulations
• When disclosure is requested by a public institution such as a court or police
However, this does not apply to any of the following.
• When according to the provisions of laws and regulations
• When disclosure is requested by a public institution such as a court or police
3.Inquiry / change / deletion of personal information
We will confirm, correct, or delete your personal information provided by you after confirming that you are the person.
Contact us for comments and inquiries
Contact us for comments and inquiries
Cookie policy
This cookie policy applies to this website operated by Amano Enzyme Inc. We recognize the importance of properly managing and protecting personal information and have the following policies.
This website uses cookies to improve our services and provide more suitable services to you.
A cookie is a mechanism that stores information that you have visited this website in your computer device. Cookies may be used for the purpose of displaying appropriate advertisements outside this website. In addition, there is no "personally identifiable information" in the information collected through cookies.
For inquiries regarding this cookie policy, please contact_ us from Inquiries.
This website uses cookies to improve our services and provide more suitable services to you.
A cookie is a mechanism that stores information that you have visited this website in your computer device. Cookies may be used for the purpose of displaying appropriate advertisements outside this website. In addition, there is no "personally identifiable information" in the information collected through cookies.
For inquiries regarding this cookie policy, please contact_ us from Inquiries.